In the fifth installment, ‘The Twisted World,’ Sliky, the gifted Silverleaf Fox, is startled by the arrival of her old friend, Ratter a retired pirate ship’s cat who brings ominous news of a shifting twisted world. Sliky grapples with the news of whole cities and populations mysteriously moved. Sliky takes on the onerous mission of repairing the damage and discovering who the enemy is. Beecher’s mystery in ‘The Twisted World’ will keep you reading until the last page.
Category: Books
Reviews (3)
Lily Turner –
‘The Twisted World’ unfolds with gripping suspense. Sliky’s journey takes unexpected turns, Beecher’s storytelling captures the imagination. A thrilling addition to the enchanting series.
Caleb Mitchell –
Sliky’s adventure in ‘The Twisted World’ is a rollercoaster of magic and mystery. Beecher’s vivid narrative keeps readers hooked till the end. A captivating and imaginative tale.
Mia Anderson –
‘The Twisted World’ is a mesmerizing continuation. Sliky’s resilience and the unfolding mysteries create a captivating narrative. Beecher’s storytelling prowess shines in this enthralling addition to the series.